Curate to create

In this article on navigating content overload, Jorge Medina outlines the importance of having a personal curation system. His premise is “You’re not lacking creativity, you’re overwhelmed” and talks about the concept of digital hoarding and how the overwhelming amount of internet content can lead to decision fatigue. He recommends being intentional about your curation system and using a framework like CODE, which stands for: 

  1. Capture - Keep what resonates

  2. Organize - Save for actionability

  3. Distill - Find the essence

  4. Express - Show your work

For me, the whole point of collecting links and keeping tabs open is for inspiration and to learn something new, so I really appreciate this reminder. As far as a “tool” goes, I’m still really happy with my OneTab recommendation from two years ago, and highly recommend it to organize your tab clutter. — CD

Research, BrowserClaudia Dawson